Demeter Krisztina, Szász Levente, Rácz Béla-Gergely (2016), The impact of subsidiaries’ internal and external integration on operational performance, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 182, 73-85.
Szász Levente, Maike Scherrer-Rathje, Patricia Deflorin (2016), Benefits of internal manufacturing network integration: the moderating effect of country context, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, vol. 36, no. 7, 757-780.
Demeter Krisztina, Szász Levente (2016), The diversity of European manufacturing plant roles in international manufacturing networks, Journal of East European Management Studies, vol. 21, no. 2, 184-208.
Benedek Botond
Title:Assistant professor
Academic Degree:PhD. Student
Position in Project:Member
Main domain of research:Finance and Computer Science
Benedek, B., Avornicului, M. C. (2017) Designing An Event Extraction System. Management Intercultural, (38), 105-112.
Benedek, B., Rácz, B. G. (2016) The use of Monte Carlo simulation in the assessment of an agricultural investment. Forum on Economics and Business, (19/127), 79-112.
Kovács, G., Avornicului, M. C., Benedek, B. (2016) Recommender Systems In E-Commerce Applications. Management Intercultural, (37), 266-271.
Györfy Lehel-Zoltán, Madaras Szilárd, Factors Influencing NUTS3 Level Regional Competitiveness in Center Region, Romania. A Panel Regression Analysis. Romanian Journal of Regional Science, vol.11, no.2, Winter 2017 P. 47-61, EBSCO, RepEc
Madaras Szilárd, Györfy Lehel-Zoltán, Non-Linearity and Non-Stationarity of Exchange Rate Time Series in Three Central-Eastern European Countries Regarding the CHF Currency in 2014 and 2015, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Economics and Business, 4/2016 P. 33−41, RepEc, EBSCO, DOAJ
Györfy Lehel-Zoltán, Early-stage entrepreneurship in Romania in comparison with central and eastern European countries, Managerial challenges of the contemporary society, Cluj-Napoca, vol.8, no.1, 2015, P. 123-128, ProQuest, EBSCO
Demeter K., Szász L., Rácz B. (2016) The impact of subsidiaries’ internal and external integration on operational performance, International Journal of Production Economics, 182, 73-85.
Rácz B., Borza A. (2016) Increasing absorptive capacity to improve internal and external knowledge transfer in multinational companies: a multiple case study approach, Management and Economics Review 1 (2),120-135
Benedek B., Rácz B. (2016) The use of Monte Carlo simulation in the assessment of an agricultural investment, Forum on Economics and Business, 19 (127), 79-112
Alt Mónika-Anetta,Săplăcan Zsuzsa, Berács József (2015), Thoughts about Exotic Bank Products' Advertising in Emerging Economies during Crisis, Journal of Management and Financial Sciences.
Alt Mónika Anetta, Săplăcan Zsuzsa, Veress Enikő, (2014), Message Strategies in Effective Advertisements, International Conference on Marketing from Information to Decision, Cluj-Napoca, 7-8th November, Conference proceeding 7th Edition, E. Risoprint, ISSN 2067-0338, ISSN-L 2067-0338, 24-39 pp.
Hajdú, N., Lipták, K., Săplăcan, Zs. (2018) Comparative analysis of baby food labelling in Hungary in Romania: consumers’ perspective, Amfiteatru Economic, vol. 20, no. 47.